
This project is conducting seasonal deployments to monitor physical conditions and investigate carbonate chemistry and ocean acidification in the Mid-Atlantic Bight. The glider is equipped with CTD/pH, ECO-Puck, dissolved oxygen sensors and a Vemco receiver.

Data and Resources

Metadata Date

Metadata Tags

GCMD Keywords

CF Standard Names

Online Access

OPeNDAP (DAP Client Access)

These data are available for access with an OPeNDAP client

ERDDAP (DAP Client Access)

These data are available for access with an ERDDAP client

Distribution Formats
  • OPeNDAP (Version: DAP/2.0 )
Distributor Stony Brook University,Rutgers University
Point of Contact John Kerfoot
Stony Brook University,Rutgers University
Background Information (Background information from the source)
Originator John Kerfoot
Stony Brook University,Rutgers University
Background Information (Background information from the source)
contributor Charles Flagg, Lucas Merlo, Maha Alnajjar, John Kerfoot
Dataset Point of Contact Axiom Docker Install
Axiom Docker Install
General Documentation
Associated Documentation New York State DEC supported by MAB Indicators Project and NOAA OAP (Ocean Acidification Program)/IOOS
Date(s) creation: 2023-03-13
issued: 2023-03-13
creation: 2023-03-13
issued: 2023-03-13
creation: 2023-03-13
issued: 2023-03-13
creation: 2023-03-13
issued: 2023-03-13
Use Limitations This data may be redistributed and used without restriction. Data provided as is with no expressed or implied assurance of quality assurance or quality control
Time Period 2023-02-22T20:59:31Z to 2023-03-18T05:15:43Z
Spatial Bounding Box Coordinates N: 40.796158° S: 39.02717° E: -71.95795° W: -74.09476°
Theme keywords Uncategorized
  • glider
  • Slocum
  • Spray
  • trajectory
  • underwater glider
  • water
  • wmo

GCMD Science Keywords
  • In Situ Ocean-based platforms > Seaglider
  • Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Salinity
  • Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Density
  • Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Conductivity
  • Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Water Temperature
  • Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Pressure > Water Pressure
  • AUVS > Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

CF Standard Name Table v27
  • time
  • latitude
  • longitude
  • depth
  • sea_water_electrical_conductivity
  • sea_water_density
  • latitude
  • longitude
  • time
  • time
  • time
  • sea_floor_depth_below_sea_surface
  • latitude
  • longitude
  • time
  • sea_water_pressure
  • flat_line_test_quality_flag
  • gross_range_test_quality_flag
  • aggregate_quality_flag
  • rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
  • spike_test_quality_flag
  • flat_line_test_quality_flag
  • gross_range_test_quality_flag
  • aggregate_quality_flag
  • rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
  • spike_test_quality_flag
  • quality_flag
  • flat_line_test_quality_flag
  • gross_range_test_quality_flag
  • aggregate_quality_flag
  • rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
  • spike_test_quality_flag
  • flat_line_test_quality_flag
  • gross_range_test_quality_flag
  • aggregate_quality_flag
  • rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
  • spike_test_quality_flag
  • flat_line_test_quality_flag
  • gross_range_test_quality_flag
  • aggregate_quality_flag
  • rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
  • spike_test_quality_flag
  • sea_water_practical_salinity
  • sea_water_temperature
  • time
  • eastward_sea_water_velocity
  • northward_sea_water_velocity

Project keywords Uncategorized
  • New York State DEC supported by MAB Indicators Project and NOAA OAP (Ocean Acidification Program)/IOOS

Use Constraints This data may be redistributed and used without restriction. Data provided as is with no expressed or implied assurance of quality assurance or quality control
Lineage Statement 2023-03-13T06:00:09Z: /tmp/tmpkxr_z184/ created 2023-03-13T06:00:09Z: /home/kerfoot/code/gncutils/scripts/ /home/coolgroup/slocum/deployments/2023/sbu02-20230222T2011/data/in/ascii/queue/sbu02_2023_070_1_0_sbd.dat
platform In Situ Ocean-based Platforms > AUVS > Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
platform_vocabulary NASA/GCMD Platforms Keywords Version 8.5
wmo_platform_code 4803975
Ingestion Attributes
gts_ingest True
Instrument Attributes
Attribution Information
contributor_name Charles Flagg, Lucas Merlo, Maha Alnajjar, John Kerfoot
CF related
standard_name_vocabulary CF Standard Name Table v27