"RV Manta - FGBNMS - FGBNMS-16-14-FGB_Mortality_Response_1.nc - 29.31N, 94.82W - 2016-08-04"

Conduct SCUBA operations at East Flower Garden Bank to document coral mortality. Operations will include photographing randomized benthic transects, fish surveys, and sample collections. Water quality samples will be collected and datasondes exchanged at all three banks. Additional tasks include scooter surveys and a glider launch.

Data and Resources

Metadata Date

Metadata Tags

GCMD Keywords

CF Standard Names

Online Access

OPeNDAP (DAP Client Access)

These data are available for access with an OPeNDAP client

ERDDAP (DAP Client Access)

These data are available for access with an ERDDAP client

Distribution Formats
  • OPeNDAP (Version: DAP/2.0 )
Distributor Texas A&M University/ Department of Ocecanography
Point of Contact Michelle Johnston
Texas A&M University/ Department of Ocecanography
Background Information (Background information from the source)
Originator Michelle Johnston
Texas A&M University/ Department of Ocecanography
Background Information (Background information from the source)
contributor Michelle Johnston
Dataset Point of Contact Tuomo Saari
+1 979-845-7662
General Documentation
Associated Documentation Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary Research and Monitoring
Date(s) creation: 2019-10-16
issued: 2019-10-16
creation: 2019-10-16
issued: 2019-10-16
creation: 2019-10-16
issued: 2019-10-16
creation: 2019-10-16
issued: 2019-10-16
Use Limitations Unrestricted use and distribution
Time Period 2016-08-04T23:33:59Z to 2016-08-08T14:32:19Z
Spatial Bounding Box Coordinates N: 29.342° S: 27.8742° E: -93.596° W: -94.8179°
Theme keywords Uncategorized
  • 440nm
  • 470nm
  • 532nm
  • 700nm
  • a&m
  • active
  • air
  • air temperature
  • airPressure
  • airPressureFlag
  • airTemperature
  • airTemperatureFlag
  • atmosphere
  • atmospheric
  • available
  • backscatering
  • backscattering
  • barometric
  • cdom
  • chla
  • chlorophyll
  • chlorophyll-a
  • color
  • colored
  • conductivity
  • conductivityFlag
  • coral
  • crs
  • cruise
  • currents
  • data
  • department
  • derived
  • direction
  • dissolved
  • earth
  • eco
  • ecoBb440
  • ecoBb440Flag
  • ecoBb470
  • ecoBb470Flag
  • ecoBb532
  • ecoBb532Flag
  • ecoBBFL700
  • ecoBBFL700Flag
  • ecoBbflCdom
  • ecoBbflCdomFlag
  • ecoBbflChllA
  • ecoBbflChllAFlag
  • efgb
  • fgb
  • fgbnms
  • fgbnms-16-14-fgb
  • flag
  • fluorometer
  • furuno
  • humidity
  • identifier
  • instrument
  • irradiance
  • latitudeFlag
  • longitudeFlag
  • manta
  • matter
  • meteorology
  • mortality
  • ocean
  • ocean color
  • oceans
  • ocecanography
  • omnidirectional
  • optical
  • optical properties
  • optics
  • organic
  • par
  • par/irradiance
  • parFlag
  • percent
  • photosynthetic
  • photosynthetically
  • platform
  • pressure
  • properties
  • quality
  • r/v
  • radiance
  • radiation
  • relative
  • relHumidity
  • relHumidityFlag
  • response
  • salinity
  • salinityFlag
  • sc30
  • science
  • sea
  • seawater
  • speed
  • spherical
  • surface
  • temperature
  • temperatureFlag
  • texas
  • thermosalinograph
  • trajectory
  • true
  • trueative
  • trueWindDir
  • trueWindDirFlag
  • trueWindSpeed
  • trueWindSpeedFlag
  • university
  • university/
  • vapor
  • water
  • wetlab
  • wetlabs
  • wind
  • wind direction
  • wind speed
  • young

GCMD Science Keywords
  • Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Optics > Radiance
  • Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Optics > Photosynthetically Active Radiation
  • Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Water Vapor > Humidity

CF Standard Name Table v29
  • time
  • latitude
  • latitude
  • longitude
  • longitude
  • depth
  • thermosalinograph_temperature
  • thermosalinograph_temperature_flag
  • thermosalinograph_conductivity
  • thermosalinograph_conductivity_flag
  • thermosalinograph_salinity
  • thermosalinograph_salinity_flag
  • omnidirectional_photosynthetic_spherical_irradiance_in_sea_water
  • omnidirectional_photosynthetic_spherical_irradiance_in_sea_water
  • young_air_temperature
  • young_air_temperature_flag
  • young_barometric_pressure
  • young_barometric_pressure
  • relative_humidity
  • relative_humidity_flag
  • true_wind_direction
  • true_wind_direction_flag
  • true_wind_speed
  • true_wind_speed_flag
  • wetlab_eco_bb_fluorometer_700
  • wetlab_eco_bb_fluorometer_700_flag
  • wetlab_eco_fluorometer_chlorophyll_a
  • wetlab_eco_fluorometer_chlorophyll_a_flag
  • wetlab_eco_fluorometer_cdom
  • wetlab_eco_fluorometer_chlorophyll_a_flag
  • wetlab_eco_fluorometer_440
  • wetlab_eco_fluorometer_440_flag
  • wetlab_eco_fluorometer_470
  • wetlab_eco_fluorometer_470_flag
  • wetlab_eco_fluorometer_532
  • wetlab_eco_fluorometer_532_flag

Project keywords Uncategorized
  • Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary Research and Monitoring

Use Constraints Unrestricted use and distribution
Lineage Statement 20191016T121911
platform R/V Manta
platform_vocabulary GCMD Science Keywords Version 8.6
Ingestion Attributes
Instrument Attributes
Attribution Information
contributor_email michelle.a.johnston@noaa.gov
contributor_name Michelle Johnston
creator_phone +1-409-356-0392
creator_url unknown
publisher_phone 1-979-458-3274
infoUrl https://flowergarden.noaa.gov/science/eastwestmonitor.html
CF related
standard_name_vocabulary CF Standard Name Table v29