Near-Real Time Surface Ocean Velocity, Hawaii, 1 km Resolution

Surface ocean velocities estimated from HF-Radar (HFR) are representative of the upper 0.3 - 2.5 meters of the ocean. The main objective of near-real time processing is to produce the best product from available data at the time of processing. Radial velocity measurements are obtained from individual radar sites through the U.S. HF-Radar Network. Hourly radial data are processed by unweighted least-squares on a 1 km resolution grid of Hawaii to produce near real-time surface current maps.

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Distribution Formats
Distributor U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) High Frequency Radar Network (HFRNet)
Point of Contact U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) High Frequency Radar Network (HFRNet)
Online Resource
Originator U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) High Frequency Radar Network (HFRNet)
Online Resource
Originator Pierre Flament
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Online Resource
Resource Provider Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS)
Online Resource
Publisher Coastal Observing Research and Development Center (CORDC)
Online Resource
Dataset Point of Contact U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) High Frequency Radar Network (HFRNet)
General Documentation
Associated Documentation
Resource Provider Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS)
Date(s) creation: 2012-01-01
issued: 2012-01-01
revision: 2020-06-16
creation: 2012-01-01
issued: 2012-01-01
revision: 2020-06-16
creation: 2012-01-01
issued: 2012-01-01
revision: 2020-06-16
creation: 2012-01-01
issued: 2012-01-01
revision: 2020-06-16
creation: 2012-01-01
issued: 2012-01-01
revision: 2020-06-16
Use Limitations
Time Period 2012-01-01T00:00:00Z to now
Spatial Bounding Box Coordinates N: 24.916879653930664° S: 16.220399856567383° E: -151.9564971923828° W: -163.14439392089844°
Theme keywords GCMD Science Keywords
  • Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Circulation > Ocean Currents
  • Earth Science > Spectral/Engineering > Radio Wave

GCMD Platform Keywords
  • In Situ Land-based Platforms > > Radio Transmitters

GCMD Instrument Keywords
  • Earth Remote Sensing Instruments > Active Remote Sensing > Profilers/Sounders > Radar Sounders > SCR-HF > Surface Current Radar

CF Standard Name Table v39
  • latitude
  • longitude
  • surface_eastward_sea_water_velocity
  • surface_northward_sea_water_velocity
  • latitude
  • longitude
  • time

Data Center keywords GCMD Data Center Keywords
  • PacIOOS > Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System

Place keywords GCMD Location Keywords
  • Continent > North America > United States Of America > Hawaii
  • Ocean > Pacific Ocean > Central Pacific Ocean > Hawaiian Islands > Big Island
  • Ocean > Pacific Ocean > Central Pacific Ocean > Hawaiian Islands > Hawaii Island > Hilo
  • Ocean > Pacific Ocean > Central Pacific Ocean > Hawaiian Islands > Oahu > Honolulu
  • Ocean > Pacific Ocean > Central Pacific Ocean > Hawaiian Islands > Oahu > Kakaako
  • Ocean > Pacific Ocean > Central Pacific Ocean > Hawaiian Islands > Oahu > Waikiki

Project keywords GCMD Project Keywords
  • PacIOOS > Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System

Lineage Statement 2009-07-08T00:00:00Z UH/SOEST (P. Flament) deployed HFR array at Koko Head, Oahu (KOK): 21.2608, -157.7028. 2009-12-11T00:00:00Z UH/SOEST (P. Flament) deployed HFR array at Kakaako (Waikiki), Oahu (KAK): 21.2918, -157.8631. 2010-07-28T22:00:00Z IOOS HFRNet (CORDC/UCSD) begins generating Hawaii surface currents from radial velocities. 2010-09-08T06:45:00Z UH/SOEST (P. Flament) deployed HFR array at Kalaeloa (Barbers Point), Oahu (KAL): 21.2975, -158.0836. 2013-03-26T22:30:00Z UH/SOEST (P. Flament) deployed HFR array at Kaena Point, Oahu (KNA): 21.5749, -158.2819. 2013-12-17T06:40:00Z UH/SOEST (P. Flament) deployed HFR array at Keaukaha, Hawaii Island (KKH): 19.7320, -155.0480. 2015-05-05T07:00:00Z UH/SOEST (P. Flament) deployed HFR array at Pepeekeo, Hawaii Island (PPK): 19.8472, -155.0828. 2015-09-14T19:00:00Z UH/SOEST (P. Flament) deployed HFR array at Kapolei, Oahu (KAP): 21.3114, -158.1169. 2020-06-16T00:00:00Z Exclude invalid Kaena Point, Oahu (KNA) data prior to 2019-11-30T16:00:00Z. 2021-04-19T06:19:00Z To comply with new ITU rules and frequency allocations, changed KAK range resolution from 600 m to 750 m (250 kHz to 200 kHz) and PPK from 666 m to 750 m (224 kHz to 200 kHz). Changed KAL, KOK, and KNA frequency to 16.150 MHz with 100 kHz bandwidth (1.5 km), which does not impact their range or resolution.
Ingestion Attributes
Instrument Attributes
Attribution Information
CF related