Data for ioos-station-CBI-069

Data for ioos-station-CBI-069 for the period 2023/05. 2023/05 time series data for ioos-station-CBI-069 platform served via Gulf of Mexico Coastal Observing System (GCOOS) Data Portal.

Data and Resources

Metadata Date

Metadata Tags

GCMD Keywords

CF Standard Names

Online Access

OPeNDAP (DAP Client Access)

These data are available for access with an OPeNDAP client

ERDDAP (DAP Client Access)

These data are available for access with an ERDDAP client

Distribution Formats
  • OPeNDAP (Version: DAP/2.0 )
Distributor GCOOS
Point of Contact Felimon Gayanilo
Background Information (Background information from the source)
Originator Felimon Gayanilo
Background Information (Background information from the source)
contributor Conrad Blutcher Institute, TAMUCC
Dataset Point of Contact Felimon Gayanilo
+1 361-825-3454
General Documentation
Associated Documentation Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System (GCOOS)
Date(s) creation: 2024-07-01
creation: 2024-07-01
creation: 2024-07-01
creation: 2024-07-01
Use Limitations Creative Common (CC) 0
Time Period 2023-05-01T00:06:00Z to 2024-06-05T18:18:00Z
Spatial Bounding Box Coordinates N: 27.8976° S: 27.8976° E: -97.6165° W: -97.6165°
Theme keywords Uncategorized
  • 2023/05
  • acoustic
  • acoustics
  • aggregate
  • aggregate/rollup
  • air
  • anemometer
  • atmosphere
  • atmospheric
  • barometric
  • cbi
  • change
  • chemistry
  • chlorophyll
  • circulation
  • climatology
  • coastal
  • color
  • concentration
  • conductivity
  • crs
  • current
  • currents
  • data
  • delta
  • density
  • dew
  • dew point
  • direction
  • directionearth
  • dissolved
  • dissolved o2
  • doppler
  • earth
  • electric
  • electrical
  • flag
  • flat
  • gap
  • gases
  • gcoos
  • gom
  • gross
  • gulf
  • gust
  • humidity
  • hydrosphere
  • identifier
  • indicators
  • integrated
  • ioos
  • ioos-station-cbi-069
  • level
  • line
  • local
  • mass
  • mean
  • measurements
  • meteorology
  • mexico
  • modification
  • nueces
  • O2
  • observing
  • ocean
  • ocean color
  • oceans
  • optical
  • optical properties
  • optics
  • oxygen
  • period
  • platform
  • point
  • practical
  • pressure
  • probe
  • processed
  • processes
  • profiler
  • properties
  • qartod
  • quality
  • quality/water
  • range
  • rate
  • relative
  • rollup
  • salinity
  • salinity/density
  • science
  • sea
  • sea level
  • seawater
  • sensor
  • significant
  • spectrofluorometer
  • speed
  • speed/directionearth
  • spike
  • static
  • station
  • surface
  • surface waves
  • syntax
  • system
  • temperature
  • terrestrial
  • test
  • topography
  • transmitter
  • turbidity
  • upward
  • vapor
  • velocity
  • water
  • wave
  • waves
  • weather
  • wind
  • winds

GCMD Science Keywords
  • Earth Science > Terrestrial Hydrosphere > Water Quality/Water Chemistry > Ocean Chemistry > Gases > Dissolved Oxygen
  • Earth Science > Oceans > Sea Surface Topography > Sea Surface Height
  • Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Salinity
  • Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Conductivity
  • Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Salinity
  • Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Waves > Wave Speed/Directionearth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Winds > Local Winds
  • Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Waves > Wave Speed/Direction
  • Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Waves > Wave Period
  • Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Waves > Significant Wave Height
  • Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Water Temperature
  • Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Sea Surface Temperature
  • Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Optics > Turbidity
  • Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Circulation > Ocean Currents
  • Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Oxygen
  • Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Chlorophyll
  • Earth Science > Oceans > Coastal Processes > Sea Surface Height
  • Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Winds > Surface Winds
  • Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Water Vapor > Water Vapor Indicators > Humidity > Relative Humidity
  • Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Water Vapor > Humidity
  • Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Water Vapor > Dew Point Temperature
  • Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Temperature > Surface Temperature > Dew Point Temperature
  • Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Temperature > Surface Air Temperature
  • Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Temperature > Dew Point Temperature
  • Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Temperature > Air Temperature
  • Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Temperature
  • Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Pressure > Static Pressure
  • Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Pressure > Sea Level Pressure
  • Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Pressure > Atmospheric Pressure Measurements
  • Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Pressure

CF Standard Name Table v73
  • time
  • latitude
  • longitude
  • depth
  • sea_water_electrical_conductivity
  • air_pressure
  • concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water
  • sea_surface_height
  • aggregate_quality_flag
  • gap_test_quality_flag
  • syntax_test_quality_flag
  • location_test_quality_flag
  • gross_range_test_quality_flag
  • climatology_test_quality_flag
  • spike_test_quality_flag
  • rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
  • flat_line_test_quality_flag
  • sea_surface_temperature
  • aggregate_quality_flag
  • gap_test_quality_flag
  • syntax_test_quality_flag
  • location_test_quality_flag
  • gross_range_test_quality_flag
  • climatology_test_quality_flag
  • spike_test_quality_flag
  • rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
  • flat_line_test_quality_flag
  • sea_surface_wave_significant_height
  • aggregate_quality_flag
  • gap_test_quality_flag
  • syntax_test_quality_flag
  • location_test_quality_flag
  • gross_range_test_quality_flag
  • climatology_test_quality_flag
  • spike_test_quality_flag
  • rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
  • flat_line_test_quality_flag
  • sea_surface_wave_significant_period
  • aggregate_quality_flag
  • gap_test_quality_flag
  • syntax_test_quality_flag
  • location_test_quality_flag
  • gross_range_test_quality_flag
  • climatology_test_quality_flag
  • spike_test_quality_flag
  • rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
  • flat_line_test_quality_flag
  • sea_surface_wave_to_direction
  • aggregate_quality_flag
  • gap_test_quality_flag
  • syntax_test_quality_flag
  • location_test_quality_flag
  • gross_range_test_quality_flag
  • climatology_test_quality_flag
  • spike_test_quality_flag
  • rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
  • flat_line_test_quality_flag
  • wind_speed
  • aggregate_quality_flag
  • gap_test_quality_flag
  • syntax_test_quality_flag
  • location_test_quality_flag
  • gross_range_test_quality_flag
  • climatology_test_quality_flag
  • spike_test_quality_flag
  • rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
  • flat_line_test_quality_flag
  • wind_to_direction
  • aggregate_quality_flag
  • gap_test_quality_flag
  • syntax_test_quality_flag
  • location_test_quality_flag
  • gross_range_test_quality_flag
  • climatology_test_quality_flag
  • spike_test_quality_flag
  • rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
  • flat_line_test_quality_flag
  • wind_speed_of_gust
  • aggregate_quality_flag
  • gap_test_quality_flag
  • syntax_test_quality_flag
  • location_test_quality_flag
  • gross_range_test_quality_flag
  • climatology_test_quality_flag
  • spike_test_quality_flag
  • rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
  • flat_line_test_quality_flag
  • sea_water_speed
  • aggregate_quality_flag
  • gap_test_quality_flag
  • syntax_test_quality_flag
  • location_test_quality_flag
  • gross_range_test_quality_flag
  • climatology_test_quality_flag
  • spike_test_quality_flag
  • rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
  • flat_line_test_quality_flag
  • sea_water_to_direction
  • aggregate_quality_flag
  • gap_test_quality_flag
  • syntax_test_quality_flag
  • location_test_quality_flag
  • gross_range_test_quality_flag
  • climatology_test_quality_flag
  • spike_test_quality_flag
  • rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
  • flat_line_test_quality_flag
  • upward_sea_water_velocity
  • aggregate_quality_flag
  • gap_test_quality_flag
  • syntax_test_quality_flag
  • location_test_quality_flag
  • gross_range_test_quality_flag
  • climatology_test_quality_flag
  • spike_test_quality_flag
  • rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
  • flat_line_test_quality_flag
  • sea_water_practical_salinity
  • aggregate_quality_flag
  • gap_test_quality_flag
  • syntax_test_quality_flag
  • location_test_quality_flag
  • gross_range_test_quality_flag
  • climatology_test_quality_flag
  • spike_test_quality_flag
  • rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
  • flat_line_test_quality_flag
  • air_pressure_at_mean_sea_level
  • aggregate_quality_flag
  • gap_test_quality_flag
  • syntax_test_quality_flag
  • location_test_quality_flag
  • gross_range_test_quality_flag
  • climatology_test_quality_flag
  • spike_test_quality_flag
  • rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
  • flat_line_test_quality_flag
  • air_temperature
  • aggregate_quality_flag
  • gap_test_quality_flag
  • syntax_test_quality_flag
  • location_test_quality_flag
  • gross_range_test_quality_flag
  • climatology_test_quality_flag
  • spike_test_quality_flag
  • rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
  • flat_line_test_quality_flag
  • mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water
  • aggregate_quality_flag
  • gap_test_quality_flag
  • syntax_test_quality_flag
  • location_test_quality_flag
  • gross_range_test_quality_flag
  • climatology_test_quality_flag
  • spike_test_quality_flag
  • rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
  • flat_line_test_quality_flag
  • mass_concentration_of_oxygen_in_sea_water
  • aggregate_quality_flag
  • gap_test_quality_flag
  • syntax_test_quality_flag
  • location_test_quality_flag
  • gross_range_test_quality_flag
  • climatology_test_quality_flag
  • spike_test_quality_flag
  • rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
  • flat_line_test_quality_flag
  • relative_humidity
  • aggregate_quality_flag
  • gap_test_quality_flag
  • syntax_test_quality_flag
  • location_test_quality_flag
  • gross_range_test_quality_flag
  • climatology_test_quality_flag
  • spike_test_quality_flag
  • rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
  • flat_line_test_quality_flag
  • sea_water_turbidity
  • aggregate_quality_flag
  • gap_test_quality_flag
  • syntax_test_quality_flag
  • location_test_quality_flag
  • gross_range_test_quality_flag
  • climatology_test_quality_flag
  • spike_test_quality_flag
  • rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
  • flat_line_test_quality_flag
  • dew_point_temperature
  • aggregate_quality_flag
  • gap_test_quality_flag
  • syntax_test_quality_flag
  • location_test_quality_flag
  • gross_range_test_quality_flag
  • climatology_test_quality_flag
  • spike_test_quality_flag
  • rate_of_change_test_quality_flag
  • flat_line_test_quality_flag

Project keywords Uncategorized
  • Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System (GCOOS)

Use Constraints Creative Common (CC) 0
Lineage Statement V1 2024-07-01
platform ioos-station-CBI-069
platform_id 069
platform_name Nueces Delta Weather Station
Ingestion Attributes
gts_ingest true
ioos_ingest true
Instrument Attributes
Attribution Information
contributor_name Conrad Blutcher Institute, TAMUCC
creator_address 6300 Ocean Drive
creator_city Corpus Christi
creator_country USA
creator_phone (361) 825-3454
creator_sector academic
creator_state TX
creator_postalcode 78412
publisher_address 6300 Ocean Drive
publisher_city Corpus Christi
publisher_country USA
publisher_phone (361) 825-3454
publisher_state TX
publisher_postalcode 78412
CF related
standard_name_vocabulary CF Standard Name Table v73